14. These Poems, She Said (Robert Bringhurst)
Hay versos memorables, ya sea por lo redondos, lo luminosos, lo sonoros, lo sabios. Versos que saltan de la página y se instalan en la memoria, “el estómago del alma”, como la llamaba san Agustín, donde se rumia lo que pasa a formar parte de eso que a veces se llama “la vida interior”.
De este poema, el verso que refulgió y me hirió como un rayo fue “love means love of the thing sung, not of the song or the singing.” En traducción, “el amor es amor por lo que se canta, no por la canción ni por el canto.” Es un buen recordatorio para poetas, escritores, filósofos y aquellos que hacen de las palabras su oficio. “Cantare amantis est”, decía san Agustín (S. 336). “Cantar es propio de los que aman” porque el amor no cabe en el lenguaje ordinario y se desborda en canciones. Pero no es cierto que sólo el que ama canta. Que es fácil acudir a las palabras, incluso líricas, y quedarse a vivir en ellas: cantarle al silencio, a la contemplación, a la vida sencilla, mirarse a uno mismo en su canto, y esperar que sean las palabras las que nos justifiquen.
Robert Bringhurst
These poems, these poems,
these poems, she said, are poems
with no love in them. These are the poems of a man
who would leave his wife and child because
they made noise in his study. These are the poems
of a man who would murder his mother to claim
the inheritance. These are the poems of a man
like Plato, she said, meaning something I did not
comprehend but which nevertheless
offended me. These are the poems of a man
who would rather sleep with himself than with women,
she said. These are the poems of a man
with eyes like a drawknife, with hands like a pickpocket’s
hands, woven of water and logic
and hunger, with no strand of love in them. These
poems are as heartless as birdsong, as unmeant
as elm leaves, which if they love love only
the wide blue sky and the air and the idea
of elm leaves. Self-love is an ending, she said,
and not a beginning. Love means love
of the thing sung, not of the song or the singing.
These poems, she said...
You are, he said,
That is not love, she said rightly.